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[CLOSED] Open Call Art Commission at Södersjukhuset

Region Stockholm is inviting professional artists to submit an Expression of Interest for an artwork commission. Registration will remain open until 12 February 2025.

Invitation for an extensive artistic design of the intensive care unit at Södersjukhuset

Region Stockholm hereby invites professional artists to submit an Expression of Interest for an artwork commission for the new intensive care unit at Södersjukhuset. The artistic design commission concerns the waiting room, the corridor and parts of the interior environment.

Artistic design is an integral feature throughout the hospital and contributes to how the interior and exterior environments are experienced. Adding a range of artistic expressions helps create a humane and welcoming healthcare environment.


Södersjukhuset is being readied for the health care of the future. The new unit comprising 22 beds in single rooms, is an element of the long-term plan to develop the hospital. It will provide a larger capacity and excellent conditions for patient-safe care. Patients in the unit will be monitored around the clock from workstations.

The artistic assignment

Areas that have been proposed for comprehensive artistic design are a relatives’ waiting room, a 154-metre-long corridor that extends out of the unit, and some spaces inside the unit itself.

The corridor is used by relatives, staff and patients alike. It has a row of windows with glazed sections facing the unit where the artistic design will need to meet privacy and light transmission requirements.

We are requesting a cohesive, dynamic artistic design that works with the possibility of taking up space in the waiting room, the corridor and inside the unit. Both 2 and 3-dimensional artworks may be included. There is also the possibility of influencing the colour scheme in the corridor.
As the environment requires good accessibility, the artwork must take this into account.

Application of Interest 

Professional artists are invited to submit an Application of Interest for this Art Commission. In your application, please fill in your contact information and  references to your previous works.

By submitting your Application of Interest, you also confirm that you have reviewed and accepted the conditions outlined in this Open Call.

  • The diary number for this Art Commission is KN 2025/35.
  • Application deadline: 12-02-2025.

Site Conditions

A good understanding of the special circumstances that characterise a healthcare environment is crucial when designing the artwork. Patients and relatives are experiencing a vulnerable situation, hence it is important that the artistic elements, as well as the rest of the design, convey care and support the work of the hospital.

The artistic design is included in an architectural context that involves collaboration with project managers from kulturförvaltningen in Region Stockholm, art advisors, the project management of Region Stockholm's property company Locum, architects, lighting consultants etcetera.


Region Stockholm’s Art Commissions are subject to the following requirements:

  • The artwork(s) should be of high artistic value with sophisticated content, and contribute to a visually attractive environment.
  • The artworks(s) should relate to the health care environment’s specific characteristics and conditions, such as physical safety and accessibility aspects, transportation flows, etc.
  • The selection of materials and production methods should be guided by environmental sustainability. The artist awarded the commission is contractually bound to use as environmentally friendly materials as possible and to handle hazardous substances and waste products in an environmentally friendly way in compliance with current legislation. Chemicals not to be used are listed in Region Stockholm's document “Phase-out list for chemicals hazardous to the environment and human health”. The list will be provided when the sketch assignment is awarded.
  • The art acquired for Region Stockholm’s health care environments should be well adapted in terms of maintenance. The artist must present solutions for how the artwork should be managed and maintained and ensure that a sufficiently high level of sustainability is achieved.


  • The fee for the sketch proposal is 40,000 SEK, exclusive of VAT.
  • The budget for the art commission is 750 000 SEK, exclusive of VAT.

The artist is responsible for the budget

All costs connected to the execution of the artwork, such as the artist’s fee, copyright costs, material costs, subcontractors/assistants, travel, transportation, insurance, and storage until the time of installation, must be covered by this budget.


  • 2025-02-12 - Application deadline at 24.00 hours
  • 2025 week 11 - Decision on which artist(s) that will be invited to a sketch assignment
  • 2025 week 13-14 start-up meeting sketching artists 
  • 2025 week 38 - Artist selected for Art Commission
  • 2025 October - The production of the artwork begins
  • 2027 Q1 - The artwork completed on site

The production of the artwork follows the construction project's general schedule. The timetable for the construction project is preliminary and may be subject to change.

Who can apply?

To be eligible for a public Art Commission for Region Stockholm, you must fulfil these following requirements:

  • You must be a professional artist.
  • When the commission is awarded to you, you must be able to send legally valid invoices in compliance with relevant tax regulations, for example by being registered for Swedish F-tax (as a sole trader or company). 

Assessment of Submitted Applications of Interest

The artist’s Application of Interest with CV and visual material of previous artworks form the basis of assessment.

Based on the criteria in the Art Commission's Open Call, a selection of artists who are deemed to have the experience and expertise necessary for carrying out the requested task will be made. 

Awarding of a Sketch Assignment

Region Stockholm intends to invite two artists/artists groups to a sketch assignment. The sketch assignment does not automatically result in the awarding of the Art Commission. The artist is awarded the commission when the Agreement for the Implementation of a Public Art Commission has been signed.

The decision on which artists will be invited to a sketch assignment will be made by the Director of the Art Department, delegated by the Culture Committee. Artists who are invited to a sketch assignment will be notified by telephone or e-mail. Under current law, confidentiality applies for Region Stockholm until the decision on the awarding of the Art Commission has been made.

The decision on the awarding of the Art Commission will be published on Region Stockholm’s website in October, 2025.

Assessement of Sketch Assignment

Based on the diverse representation among visitors/users, as well as the conditions and context of the space and the activities, four aspects of quality should be considered in assessment situations: diversity of variation, content sustainability, material sustainability, and accessibility. These four aspects serve as a tool for posing relevant and critical questions.

These four criteria will function as a tool in order to pose relevant and critical questions.

Questions about the Open Call

For general information on our Art Commissions and requirements, please consult the webpage "Questions and Answers on Public Art Commission".

Specific questions concerning the project should be submitted in writing via the contact formular on this webpage. All questions received will be published together with the answers. 

Submit your questions by February 5th, 2025 at the latest to receive an answer before the final application deadline.

Read incoming Questions and Answers

Language and Commissioning Agency


The open call of this Art Commission is conducted in Swedish. A non-binding translation of the open call is available in English. Application to the open call can be made in both Swedish and English.

Commissioning Agency

Region Stockholm is the Commissioning Agency and will be party to the agreements with the artists. Region Stockholm’s Culture Administration manages the art project, which includes the application and selection process.

Markering av våningsplan för IVA/MIVA på Södersjukhuset. Gestaltningsuppdraget avser byggnad 07, 09 och 02. Foto: Översiktsbild från byggprojektet.
Signage for the floor of IVA/MIVA at Södersjukhuset. The Art assignment concerns buildings 07, 09, and 02. Foto: Overview image from the architect.
Renderad bild av Link Arkitekter. Hängkorridor.
Architect's rendering of a corridor for an artistic design assignment. Foto: LINK Arkitekter
Planskiss med markering av möjliga platser för konst utmed lång korridor och några enstaka andra platser.
Floor plan highlighting locations in buildings 02, 07 and 09 for art in waiting rooms, corridors and selected spaces. Foto: LINK Arkitekter

Application of Interest 2025/35 is closed.

Go back to page in Swedish.

Open Call Södersjukhuset

  • Senast granskad: 16 januari 2025
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