PAI indicators (SFDR reporting)
Region Stockholm reports, on a voluntary basis, on a selection of Principal Adverse Impact (PAI) indicators according to the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR).
Scope 1 and scope 2 emissions and climate neutrality
Region Stockholm reported 31 986 tonnes Co2e in carbon footprint (scope 1) and 60 160 tonnes Co2e in carbon footprint for 2023 (scope 2) . The calculation model being used for scope 2 emissions is the market-based model.
Region Stockholm’s has established a carbon dioxide budget for its own operations. The aim is to clarify what rate of reduction is required to reach the goal of climate neutrality by the year 2035 at the latest. The carbon dioxide budget sets a general eight percent emission reduction rate annually until the year 2035.
Minimum safeguards criteria
Region Stockholm´s operations are subject to comprehensive European and national laws and regulations for working and social conditions. The environmental work is governed through Region Stockholm’s management processes. Environmental work is secured, followed up and reviewed at the regional level through Region Stockholm’s budget and reporting processes and through external and internal audits. Financial, social and environmental implications are fully integrated in the investment decision process. On a best effort basis Region Stockholm find it to be compliant with the minimum safeguards criteria in the EU taxonomy.
- Last reviewed on: 3 april 2024