Table of the full programme

Here you can view the programme for the Stockholm Uppsala Life Science Conference taking place on October 10, 2024.

On site registration opens at 13:00. The conference programme starts at 13:30 and ends at 17:00 with a coffee break at around 15:00. Following the conference there will be a reception at Forskaren.



Region Stockholm
Region Uppsala
City of Stockholm
Uppsala Municipality

Introduction of the moderator:

Nina Rawal, Trill Impact

Creating good conditions for health

Jakob Forssmed, Minister of Social Affairs and Public Health

Why is a strong cluster important and how strong are we?

How to build a world-class innovation cluster: Christian Tidona, Founder and Managing Director BioMed X Institute, Heidelberg.

The Stockholm Uppsala life science cluster in numbers and rankings: Björn Arvidsson, STUNS Life Science; Pontus Holm, Head of the Region Stockholm Programme Office for Life Science and Smart Specialisation

An external view of the Stockholm–Uppsala life science cluster:

Jan Ellenberg, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg and new Director SciLifeLab; Sara Kangaspeska, CEO Nordic Science Investments

Coffee break with exhibition:

Learn more about our cluster. Mingle and watch film clips from Stockholm Business Region  

Panel discussion with key actors from the public sector:

Daniella Waldfogel, CEO Stockholm Chamber of Commerce; Anna-Karin Wikström, Director of Research and Education, Uppsala University Hospital Britta Stenson, Head of Global Industry Network Life Science Business Sweden
Gunilla Andrew-Nielsen, Head of Clinical Trials and Special Permissions at the Swedish Medical Products Agency  

The internal perspective: 

Mathias Uhlén, Professor of Microbiology, KTH; Ulf Landegren, Professor of Molecular Medicine, Uppsala University, Åsa Manelius, Therapy Area Lead, Respiratory & Immunology, Global Supply Chain & Strategy, AstraZeneca

Young entrepreneurs and researchers – pitches and panel discussion: 

Evelina Vågesjö, CEO ILYA Pharma; David Marlevi, Assistant professor, Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery at Karolinska Institutet; Theodor Pramer, CEO and founder of Biomedrex

Summary and next steps


  • Senast granskad: 27 august 2024