
Here you can view the programme for the Stockholm Uppsala Life Science Conference taking place on October 10, 2024 in Aula Medica.

The Moderator

Our moderator, Nina Rawal.

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Foto på Jakob Forsmed

Creating good conditions for health

The Minister for Social Affairs and Public Health, Jakob Forssmed

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Foto på Christian Tidona

Why is a strong cluster important and how strong are we?

What makes up a strong life science cluster and what can it do for you? The Stockholm Uppsala life science cluster in numbers and rankings.

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Foto på Jan Ellenberg

An external view of the Stockholm Uppsala life science cluster

Jan Ellenberg, new Director of SciLifeLab, Sara Kangaspeska, CEO Nordic Science Investments.

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Foto på byggnaden Karolinska institutet

Coffee break with exhibition

Exhibition with films featuring cluster actors and the opportunity to meet some key contributors to the Stockholm Uppsala life science cluster.

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Foto på Daniella Waldfogel

Panel discussion with key actors from the public sector

Leaders from Uppsala University Hospital, the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce, Business Sweden, and Karolinska Institutet discuss the system and their role.

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Foto på Ulf Landegren

The internal perspective

Mathias Uhlén, Professor of Microbiology, KTH, Ulf Landegren, Professor of Molecular Medicine, Uppsala University

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Foto på Evelina Fågelsjö

Young entrepreneurs and researchers

Pitches followed by a panel discussion, featuring Evelina Vågesjö, ILYA Pharma; David Marlevi, KI; and Theodor Pramer, Biomedrex.

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Summary and next steps

What have we learned today? What are the next steps in the ongoing work to strengthen the Stockholm Uppsala Life Science Cluster?

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Forskaren i hagstaden

Reception at Forskaren

Continue the discussions over a drink at the fabulous new addition to Hagastaden, Forskaren.

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Table of the full programme

Here you can read the entire programme for the Stockholm Uppsala Life science conference on October 10, 2024.

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  • Senast granskad: 27 august 2024